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Parent Handbook 2019-2020

Tuition payment options, fees, discounts, refunds, and enrolment

All tuition payments for Dance Unleashed are due on the 15th of each month you are in class. Once you have registered, you are responsible for payments until we receive written or verified notification that you will be dropping from the class. Please notify us if you are dropping a class by the 25th of the previous month so that we may make the necessary adjustments to our class schedule or you will be charged for the classes until we receive your verified cancellation.


If you are not paid by the 4th week of the month your child will not be able to continue classes.


Payments: Payments must be in by the 15th of every month. A late fee of $30.00 will be added to your bill after the 15th of every month.

Registration Fee: This is an administrative fee that covers the costs of maintaining your dance records, and providing printed materials, newsletters, internet services, and class incentives such as medals and certificates. The registration fee for the first and second child is $20.00. The third child does not pay a registration fee.

Extra Fees: We charge additional fees for returned checks and late fees.

Discounts: When calculating tuition for multiple siblings, you simply add the hours in class together in order to come up with the tuition price.

Refunds: If you are a first-time customer and are not satisfied after the first month, we will refund the balance of your tuition payment. Otherwise, there are no refunds or credits unless your child is injured or you are moving.

Open enrolment: You may join a class at any time during the year if there are openings.

General class information and policies

On the first day of class: Parents should plan to attend the first class to receive all informational papers. Please wait in the lobby until your child’s instructor comes to take you to class. Fall class begins the second week in September. We will contact you if your chosen class is not available. We reserve the right to consolidate or cancel classes with low enrolment.

Drop Notifications: If you are dropping from the class, we need to know in advance so we can make necessary adjustments in staffing. You may notify us by phone, e-mail, or stop by the studio. You will be billed until we receive notice. You are responsible for payments until you are officially dropped. Must be dropped by the 15th of the prior month to avoid the next months payment.

Parking: Pre-school parents must bring their children into the studio and pick them up in the lobby area. All other students may be dropped off at the entrances. NO NOT WAIT or PARK IN THE DROP-OFF SPACES. Always drive slowly in the lot. If you will be late, your dancer MUST wait in the lobby. Please advise your children not to wait in the parking lot.

Cancelations: If we cancel class for weather conditions, notifications will be on our Band Page, Instagram, Email, and Facebook page (www.facebook.com/danceunleashed). Makeup classes will only be scheduled if we have control of the cancelation. Classes canceled due to weather will not be made up.

No Peeking Policy: We offer viewing opportunities once a month. All classes will be displayed on the screen in the lobby so that your children can enjoy the learning process. We strongly believe children learn better if they are kept from the distractions of parents and family watching. For insurance purposes, parents and siblings are not permitted in the studio areas. To speak to a teacher or arrange early pickup, check with Kosha by email or phone.

Join our fun, family atmosphere! Call us today to ask about joining a class:


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